Articles Search Results

1493 Articles and 36 related Products found for economic
  • How HTMS combats highway congestion
    Needless to say, commuters and drivers feel pained and stressed out when stuck in highway congestion. To combat this, transportation authori...
    Editor / Provider: William Pao | Updated: 2020 / 1 / 23
  • How did the Indian security customer change in 2019?
    The year 2019 was an important one for the Indian security industry in terms of smart city projects, safe city initiatives, and implementati...
    Editor / Provider: Prasanth Aby Thomas, Consultant Editor | Updated: 2020 / 1 / 10
  • Why turn to ATMS to solve traffic problems?
    To solve traffic problems and optimize road usage, more and more city operators turn to intelligent transportation systems, of which advance...
    Editor / Provider: William Pao | Updated: 2020 / 1 / 7